Past Events (20)

Island Bright Spot Event Series Episode 1: Spotlight on Biodiversity Action

Date: 21 October 2021
Location: Virtual
Host: Global Island Partnership, UNDP GEF - Small Grants Programme, Convention on Biological Diversity, UNDESA, Rare, Climate Strong Island Network

A special virtual event held in the margins of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15). Participants were treated to amazing presentations on real time grassroots biodiversity conservation efforts currently being sustained in Seychelles, Philippines, Puerto Rico and Palau.

GLISPA Community Call - August 2021

Date: 12/13 August 2021
Location: Virtual
Host: Global Island Partnership

The GLISPA Community Call is an open forum designed to allow GLISPA members to inspire and support each other to take action and produce results for island communities.

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Classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.